사자 그림 때문에
사자 그림 때문에
겁이 무척 많은 노인이 살고 있었습니다. 그 노인에게는 모험심이 강하고 사냥을 좋아하는 아들이 하나 있었습니다. 그 노인은 겁이 많았기 때문에 아들이 사냥을 하다가 다치거나 죽게 되지는 않을까 항상 걱정이었습니다.
어느 날 노인은 아들이 사냥을 하다가 사자에게 잡혀 먹히는 꿈을 꾸게 되었습니다. 깜짝 놀란 노인은 그만 잠에서 깨어났습니다. 꿈처럼 아들이 사자에게 죽지나 않을까 더럭 걱정이 된 노인은 아들을 불러 말했습니다.
“지난 밤에 네가 사자에게 잡혀 먹히는 꿈을 꾸었단다. 이제부터 사냥은 그만하고 집에서만 지내도록 해라.”
노인은 소중한 아들을 위해 바깥을 한눈에 볼 수 있는 높은 곳에 집을 지어서 아들을 그곳에 가두었습니다. 그리고 사냥을 좋아하는 아들을 위해 여러가지 동물 그림도 그려 놓았습니다. 그 중에는 사자 그림도 있었습니다.
그러나 아들은 지루함을 달랠 수가 없었습니다.
“너무 심시해! 언제까지 이렇게 갇혀 있어야 하는 거야?” 사냥도 하지 못하고 말이야.”
며칠 동안 방에 갇혀 있던 아들은 더 이상 참지 못하고 마구 화를 내기 시작했습니다. 그러다가 아들은 문득 벽에 그려진 사자 그림을 보게 되었습니다.
“이 망할 놈의 사자 같으니라고! 아버지가 꿈을 잘못 꾸셔서 내가 이런 감옥에 갇혀 있게 되었단 말이ㅑ. 이 사자를 어떻게 해야 내 화가 풀릴까?’
아들은 마구 화를 내다가 주먹으로 사자의 눈이 그려진 벽을 힘껏 쳤습니다. 그 때 손톱 밑에 부서진 벽돌 조각이 박히게 되었습니다. 그 조각은 아무리 빼내려고 해도 빠지지 않았습니다. 이 조각 때문에 손이 심하게 곪고 몸에서 열이 나기 시작했습니다. 상처가 많이 부어서 고열에 시달리던 아들은 그먄 죽고 말았습니다.
아무리 그림이라고 하더라도, 결국 아들은 노인이 꿈에서 본 대로 사자 때문에 죽게 된 것입니다.
겁이 많은 노인으 아들을 집에다가 가두어 놓았지만 사자 때문에 죽는 것을 막을 수가 없었습니다. 우리에게 미리 정해진 운명은 없습니다. 우리의 미래는 현재 우리가 살아가는 모습 속에 깃들어 있는 것입니다. 그러므로 앞으로 다가올 우리의 모습을 위해서 열심히 노력하면 그것이 바로 운명이 되는 것입니다.
아들은 왜 죽게 되었을까요? 운명 때문일까요? 그렇지 않으면 아버지의 걱정 때문일까요?
만약 아들이 집에서 갇혀 지내면서 죽음을 피할수 있었다고 하더라도 아들은 과연 행복할수 있었을까요?
운명이란 어떤 것일까요? 우리에게는 과연 정해진 운명이 있는 것인지 친구들과 토론해 보세요.
Because of the Lion Picture
There was an older man who was very fearful. He had an adventurous son who loved hunting. Because the older man was so scared, he was always worried that his son might get hurt or killed while hunting.
One day, the older man had a dream in which his son was caught and eaten by a lion while hunting. Startled, the older man woke up. Worried that his dream might come true and his son might be killed by a lion, the older man called his son and said,
“Last night, I dreamt that you were caught and eaten by a lion. From now on, stop hunting and stay at home.”
To protect his precious son, the older man built a house in a high place where he could see the outside at a glance and locked his son there. He also drew various animal pictures for his son, who loved hunting. Among them was a picture of a lion.
However, the son could not relieve his boredom.
“This is so boring! How long do I have to stay locked up like this? I can’t even go hunting.”
After being locked in the room for several days, the son could no longer bear it and started to get very angry. Then, he suddenly saw the picture of the lion drawn on the wall.
“Damn this lion! Because of my father’s dream, I’m locked up in this prison. How can I vent my anger on this lion?”
In a fit of rage, the son punched the wall where the lion’s eyes were drawn. At that moment, a piece of broken brick stuck under his fingernail. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t remove the piece. Because of this piece, his hand became severely infected, and he started to run a high fever. Suffering from a severe infection and high fever, the son eventually died.
Even though it was just a picture, the son ended up dying because of the lion, just as the older man had seen in his dream.
The fearful older man locked his son in the house, but he couldn’t prevent his son from dying because of the lion. There is no predetermined fate for us. Our future is embedded in the way we live our lives now. Therefore, if we work hard for our future, that becomes our destiny.
Why did the son die? Was it because of fate? Or was it because of his father’s worry?
Even if the son had avoided death by staying locked up at home, would he have been pleased?
What is fate? Please discuss with your friends whether there is a predetermined fate for us.
Because of the Lion Picture
There was an older pup named Ryder who was very fearful. He had an adventurous pup named Chase who loved exploring. Ryder was so scared that he was always worried that Chase might get hurt or killed while exploring.
One day, Ryder had a dream: Chase was caught and eaten by a lion while exploring. Startled, Ryder woke up. Worried that his dream might come true and a lion might kill Chase, Ryder called Chase and said,
“Last night, I dreamt that you were caught and eaten by a lion. From now on, stop exploring and stay at home.”
To protect his precious pup, Ryder built a house in a high place where he could see the outside at a glance and locked Chase there. He also drew various animal pictures for Chase, who loved exploring. Among them was a picture of a lion.
However, Chase could not relieve his boredom.
“This is so boring! How long do I have to stay locked up like this? I can’t even go exploring.”
After being locked in the room for several days, Chase could no longer bear it and started to get very angry. Then, he suddenly saw the picture of the lion drawn on the wall.
“Damn this lion! Because of Ryder’s dream, I’m locked up in this prison. How can I vent my anger on this lion?”
In a rage, Chase punched the wall where the lion’s eyes were drawn. At that moment, a piece of broken brick stuck under his paw. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t remove the piece. Because of this piece, his paw became severely infected, and he started to run a high fever. Suffering from a severe infection and high fever, Chase eventually died.
Even though it was just a picture, Chase ended up dying because of the lion, just as Ryder had seen in his dream.
The fearful Ryder locked Chase in the house, but he couldn’t prevent Chase from dying because of the lion. There is no predetermined fate for us. Our future is embedded in the way we live our lives now. Therefore, if we work hard for our future, that becomes our destiny.
Why did Chase die? Was it because of fate? Or was it because of Ryder’s worry?
Even if Chase had avoided death by staying locked up at home, would he have been pleased?
What is fate? Please discuss with your friends whether there is a predetermined fate for us.