Self Heal

새 잡는 사람과 황새

가족의 평화 2024. 8. 8. 04:16

새 잡는 사람과 황새


어느 날 새 잡는 사람이 두루미를 잡기 위해 미끼를 뿌려놓고 그물을 설치했습니다. 두루미들이 애써 가꾸어놓은 곡식을 엉망으로 망쳐버리곤 했기 때문입니다.


그물을 설치하고 나서 사냥꾼은 두루미들이 마음 놓고 다가올 수 있도록 몸을 숨겼습니다. 사냥꾼은 멀리 떨어진 곳에서 새들의 행동을 지켜보고 있었습니다.


그곳은 원래 두루미들이 무리를 지어 몰려와서 먹이를 잡아먹는 서식지였습니다. 그런데 황새 한 마리가 하늘을 날아 다니다가 새 잡는 사람이 뿌려놓은 미끼를 발견했습니다.


무척 배가 고팠던 황새는 두루미들의 영역인 줄 알면서도 살짝 두루미들 사이에 끼여들어서 미끼를 채어가려고 했습니다.


그러나 미끼 가까이 내려앉는 순간, 황새의 발이 그물에 걸리고 말았습니다. 새 잡는 사람은 얼른 달려와서 황새을 잡았습니다.


새 사냥꾼에게 잡힌 황새는 눈물을 흘리면서 자신을 놓아 달라고 애원했습니다.


사냥꾼님, 사냥꾼님. 제발 저를 놓아 주세요. 저는 생긴건 두루미와 비슷하게 보여도 그들과는 달리 사람들에게 아무런 피해도 입히지 않습니다. 황새들은 위험한 뱀이나 징그러운 파충류를 잡아먹고 살기 때문에 오히려 사람들에게 많은 도움을 주고 있습니다.


그러자 새 잡는 사람이 냉저하게 대답했습니다.


네가 전혀 해가 되지 않는 동물이라고 해도, 나쁜 무리들 사이에 끼여 있었다는 사실만으로도 벌을 받아 마땅해.”


황새는 두루미가 아니었지만 한순각 두루미의 영역에 잘못 들어갔다가 위험한 운명에 처하고 말았습니다. 이렇게 한 순간의 잘못으로 인해 평생을 후회하게 되는 경우가 있습니다.

황새는 몹시 억웋했지만 사냥꾼의 손에서 벗어날 수가 없었습니다. 애초에 황새가 사냥꾼에게 찹히지 않으려면 어떻게 하는 것이 좋았을까요?


새 사냥꾼은 두루미가 아니라는 사실을 알면서도 황새를 놓아주지 않았습니다. 그 이유에 대해 생각해 봅시다.


The Bird Catcher and the Stork

One day, a bird catcher set up bait and a net to catch cranes. The cranes had been ruining the crops that had been painstakingly cultivated.

After setting up the net, the bird catcher hid himself so the cranes could approach without fear. He watched the birds’ actions from a distance.

The place was originally a habitat where cranes gathered in flocks to catch food. However, a stork flying in the sky discovered the bait left by the bird catcher.

Knowing it was the cranes’ territory, the hungry stork tried to sneak among them to snatch the bait.

But as soon as the stork landed near the bait, its foot got caught in the net. The bird-catcher quickly ran over and noticed the stork.

The stork, caught by the bird catcher, shed tears and begged to be released.

“Hunter, Hunter, please let me go. I may look similar to the cranes, but unlike them, I do not harm people. Storks help people by catching dangerous snakes and creepy reptiles.”

The bird-catcher coldly replied,

“Even if you are not a harmful animal, you deserve to be punished just for being among the bad ones.”

The stork was not a crane, but it ended up in a dangerous situation by mistakenly entering the crane’s territory. Sometimes, a single mistake can lead to a lifetime of regret. The stork was resentful but could not escape from the hunter’s hands. What could the stork have done to avoid being caught by the bird catcher in the first place?

The bird-catcher knew the stork was not a crane but did not release it. Let’s consider why.


The Bird Catcher and the Stork

One day, Farmer Al set up bait and a net to catch some mischievous crows. The crows had been ruining the crops that had been painstakingly cultivated.

Farmer Al hid himself after setting up the net so the crows could approach without fear. He watched the birds’ actions from a distance.

The place was originally a habitat where crows gathered in flocks to catch food. However, Skye, the flying pup from Paw Patrol, discovered the bait left by Farmer Al while flying in the sky.

Knowing it was the crows’ territory, the hungry Skye tried to sneak among them to snatch the bait.

But as soon as Skye landed near the bait, her paw got caught in the net. Farmer Al quickly ran over and noticed Skye.

Skye, caught by Farmer Al, shed tears and begged to be released.

“Farmer Al, please let me go. I may look similar to the crows, but unlike them, I do not harm your crops. I help by watching Adventure Bay and catching any troublemakers.”

Farmer Al coldly replied,

“Even if you are not a harmful animal, you deserve to be punished just for being among the bad ones.”

Skye was not a crow but ended up mistakenly entering the crows’ territory in a dangerous situation. Sometimes, a single mistake can lead to a lifetime of regret. Skye was resentful but could not escape from Farmer Al’s hands. What could Skye have done to avoid being caught by Farmer Al in the first place?

Farmer Al knew Skye was not a crow but did not release her. Let’s consider why.