Self Heal

애꾸눈 사슴

가족의 평화 2024. 8. 6. 01:16

애꾸눈 사슴


한쪽 눈이 보이지 않는 사슴이 있었습니다. 이 사슴은 태어날 때부터 한쪽 눈이 전혀 보이지 않았습니다.


애꾸눈 사슴은 항상 주의를 게으리하지 않았습니다. 한쪽눈을 가리고느 무서운 동물이나 사냥꾼들이 다가오는 것을 잘 알 수가 없었기 때문에 더욱 조심스럽게 행동했던 것입니다.


그러던 어느 날 애꾸눈 사슴은 어린 나뭇잎을 따먹기 위해 바닷가로 나갔습니다. 애꾸눈 사슴은 사냥꾼이 다가오는지 감시하기 위해 잘 보이는 눈을 육지 쪽으로 향하게 하고, 안보이는 눈은 바다 쪽으로 향했습니다.  바다 쪽에는 별로 위험한 일이 없을 것이라고 생각했던 것입니다.


애꾸눈 사슴은 육지를 경계하면서 열심히 나뭇잎을 따먹었습니다. 그런데 배를 타고 그 부근을 지나가던 바다의 밀렵군들이 사슴을 발견했습니다.


밀렵꾼들은 사슴을 향해 살금살금 다가갔습니다. 그러나 바다 쪽으로 향한 눈이 전혀 보이지 않는 사슴은 아무런 위험도 없다고 생각하면서 계속 나뭇잎을 따먹었습니다.


밀렵꾼들은 가까이 다가와서 사슴을 향해 화살을 쏘았습니다.


이 화살이 어디서 날아왔지?”


애꾸눈 사슴은 깜짝 놀라서 몸을 피했지만 이미 때는 늦었습니다. 애꾸눈 사슴은 화살을 맞고 이렇게 말했습니다.


참으로 억울한 일이구나. 나는 육지 쪽이 위험할 줄 알고 그쪽을 조심하고 바다 쪽은 위험이 없을 거라고 생각하고 마음을 놓았는데, 오히려 바다 쪽이 더 위험했다니!”


애꾸눈 사슴은 육지만 경계하다가 바다에서 다가오는 밀렵꾼들을 보지 못하고 말았습니다. 애꾸눈 사슴의 판단이 잘못되었던 것입니다. 때때로 위험은 우리가 가장 안전하다고 믿었던 곳에서 발생합니다. 우리는 항상 모든 위험에 미리 대비할 수 있어야 합니다.


대개의 경우에 바다와 육지 중에서 어느 쪽이 더 위험할까요? 애꾸눈 사슴의 판단이 전적으로 털렸다고 말할수 있을까요?


애꾸눈 사슴이 실수한 것이 있다면 어떤 점일까요? 애꾸눈 사슴이 어떻게 행동했다면 가장 좋았을까요?


위험한 일은 우리가 잠시 방심하는 사이에 발생합니다. 우리의 주위에서 흔히 발생하는 재난을 알아보고, 각종 사고를 방지하려면 어떻게 하는 것이 좋은지 의논해 봅시다.


The One-Eyed Deer

There was a deer that could not see with one eye. This deer had been blind in one eye since birth.

The one-eyed deer was always very cautious. It acted even more carefully because it couldn’t see dangerous animals or hunters approaching from one side.

One day, the one-eyed deer ate young leaves at the seaside. To watch for approaching hunters, it faced its good eye towards the land and its blind eye towards the sea, thinking there would be no danger from the sea.

The one-eyed deer diligently ate leaves while keeping an eye on the land. However, poachers passing by in a boat noticed the deer.

The poachers quietly approached the deer. Since the deer couldn’t see from the side facing the sea, it continued eating leaves, thinking there was no danger.

The poachers got close and shot an arrow at the deer.

“Where did this arrow come from?”

The one-eyed deer was startled and tried to escape, but it was too late. Hit by the arrow, the deer said,

“This is so unfair. I thought the land was dangerous and was cautious, but I thought the sea was safe and let my guard down, only to find the sea was more dangerous!”

The one-eyed deer had only watched the land and overlooked the poachers approaching from the sea. The deer’s judgment was wrong. Sometimes, danger arises from places we believe to be the safest. We must always be prepared for all potential risks.

In most cases, which is more dangerous, the sea or the land? Can we say the one-eyed deer’s judgment was entirely wrong?

If the one-eyed deer made a mistake, what was it? How should the one-eyed deer have acted?

Dangerous situations often occur when we let our guard down. Let’s discuss common disasters around us and how to prevent various accidents.


The One-Eyed Pup

There was a pup named Zuma who could not see with one eye. Zuma had been blind in one eye since birth.

Zuma was always very cautious. He acted even more carefully because he couldn’t see dangerous situations or threats approaching from one side.

One day, Zuma went to the seaside to play and collect seashells. To watch for any approaching danger, he faced his excellent eye towards the land and his blind eye towards the sea, thinking there would be no danger from the sea.

Zuma diligently collected seashells while keeping an eye on the land. However, some naughty pirates passing by in a boat noticed Zuma.

The pirates quietly approached Zuma. Since Zuma couldn’t see from the side facing the sea, he continued collecting seashells, thinking there was no danger.

The pirates got close and threw a net over Zuma.

“Where did this net come from?”

Zuma was startled and tried to escape, but it was too late. Trapped in the net, Zuma said,

“This is so unfair. I thought the land was dangerous and was cautious, but I thought the sea was safe and let my guard down, only to find the sea was more dangerous!”

Zuma had only watched the land and overlooked the pirates approaching from the sea. His judgment was wrong. Sometimes, danger arises from places we believe to be the safest. We must always be prepared for all potential risks.

In most cases, is the sea or the land more dangerous? Can we say Zuma’s judgment was entirely wrong?

If Zuma made a mistake, what was it? How should Zuma have acted?

Dangerous situations often occur when we let our guard down. Let’s discuss common dangers around us and how to prevent various accidents.