Self Heal

도둑과 어머니

가족의 평화 2024. 8. 6. 00:32

도둑과 어머니

 한 아이가 학교에서 친구의 공책을 훔쳤습니다. 그 아이는 공책을 집으로 들고 가서 어머니에게 보여 드려습니다. 어머니는 아들을 혼내지 않고 모르는 척했습니다.

 아들이 이번에는 망토를 훔쳐서 어머니에게 드렸습니다. 어머니는 기뻐하면서 받았습니다. 아이는 다른 사람의 물건을 훔치는 것을 아무렇지도 않게 생각하게 되었습니다.

 시간이 흘러서 어른디 된 아이는 더 귀한 것을 훔쳐서 어머니에게 갖다 드렸습니다.

 어머니, 이것을 받으세요. 다음에는 더 좋은 것을 갖다 드리겠어요.”

 그래, 고맙구나. 넌 재두도 좋구나.”

 어머니는 아들을 칭찬해 주었습니다. 그러던 어느 날 아들은 도둑질을 하다가 그만 잡히고 말았습니다. 아들은 손을 등뒤로 묶인 채 재판관 앞으로 끌려 나갔습니다.

 그의 어머니는 아들이 잡혔다는 소식을 듣고는 그를 따라와서 가슴을 치며 통곡했습니다.

 내 아들아! 어쩌다가 네가 이렇데 되었니! 이게 도대체 어떻게 된 일이냐?”

 아들은 어머니가 있는 곳으로 다가갔습니다. 그리고 작은 목소리로 어머니에게 말했습니다.

 어머니의 귀에 대고 할 말이 있습니다.”


 어머니는 몸을 구부려서 자신의 귀를 아들의 입 가까이 갖다대었습니다. 그 순간 아들은 어머니의 귀를 세게 물었습니다. 어머니는 깜짝 놀라 화를 내면서 아들을 야단쳤습니다.

 아야! 이 녀석아, 너는 나쁜 짓만 골라서 하는구나!”

 그러자 아들이 어머니를 향해 말했습니다.

 내가 처음 공책을 훔쳐왔을때, 어머니가 지금처럼 꾸중하시거나 나를 때려 주었더라면, 이렇게 법정에 서서 재판을 기다리는 신세가 되진 않았을 겁니다.”

 잘못을 처음 저질렀을 때 심하게 꾸짖지 않으면 나중에는 더 큰 잘못을 저지르게 됩니다. 아들이 처음 공책을 훔쳤을 때 어머니가 몹시 야단을 쳤다면 아들은 법정에서 재판을 기다리지 않아도 되었을 것입니다.

 만약 아들이 처믕 공책을 훔쳤을 때 어머니가 심하게 꾸중을 했다면 어떻게 되었을까요?

우리나라의 속담 가운데 바늘 도둑이 소 도둑 된다라는 말이 있습니다. 이 속담의 의미를 알아보고 아들의 행동과 비교해 보세요.


The Thief and His Mother

A boy stole a notebook from his friend at school. He took the notebook home and showed it to his mother. His mother did not scold him and pretended not to know.

The boy then stole a cloak and gave it to his mother. His mother received it happily, and the boy began to think nothing of stealing other people’s belongings.

As time passed, the boy grew up and stole more valuable things to give to his mother.

“Mother, take this. Next time, I will bring you something even better.”

“Thank you, my son. You are very clever.”

His mother praised him. One day, the boy was caught stealing. He was tied up and brought before the judge.

His mother, hearing that her son had been caught, followed him and beat her chest in sorrow.

“My son! How did you end up like this? What happened?”

The boy approached his mother and said in a low voice,

“I have something to say to you in your ear.”


His mother bent down and brought her ear close to his mouth. At that moment, the boy bit his mother’s ear hard. His mother, shocked and angry, scolded him.

“Ouch! You wicked child, you only do bad things!”

Then the boy said to his mother,

“If you had scolded me or beaten me when I first stole the notebook, I would not be standing here in court waiting for my trial.”

If a mistake is not severely scolded the first time it is made, it will lead to more significant mistakes later. If the mother had severely reprimanded the boy when he first stole the notebook, he would not have had to wait for his trial in court.

What would have happened if the mother had severely scolded the boy when he stole the notebook?

In our country, a proverb says, “A needle thief becomes a cow thief.” Please find out the meaning of this proverb and compare it to the boy’s actions.



Paw Patrol

The Thief and His Mother: Paw Patrol Edition

One day, Ryder noticed that his notebook was missing. He asked the Paw Patrol pups if they had seen it. Chase, the police pup, decided to investigate. Meanwhile, Marshall, the fire pup, found the notebook in Rubble’s possession.

Rubble, the construction pup, had taken the notebook home and showed it to his mother. His mother, a kind bulldog, did not scold him and pretended not to know.

Later, Rubble found a shiny new collar and gave it to his mother. She received it happily. Rubble began to think nothing of taking other people’s belongings.

As time passed, Rubble grew up and took more valuable things to give to his mother.

“Mom, take this. Next time, I will bring you something even better.”

“Thank you, Rubble. You are very clever,” his mother praised him.

One day, Rubble was caught taking a valuable tool from the Adventure Bay construction site. He was tied up and brought before Mayor Goodway.

His mother, hearing that her son had been caught, followed him and beat her chest in sorrow.

“Rubble! How did you end up like this? What happened?”

Rubble approached his mother and said in a low voice, “I have something to say to you in your ear.”

“Alright,” she replied.

His mother bent down and brought her ear close to his mouth. At that moment, Rubble bit his mother’s ear gently. His mother, shocked and upset, scolded him.

“Ouch! You naughty pup, you only do bad things!”

Then Rubble told his mother, “If you had scolded me or corrected me when I first took the notebook, I would not be standing before Mayor Goodway waiting for my trial.”

The story's moral remains the same: If a mistake is not corrected the first time, it can lead to more significant mistakes later. If Rubble’s mother had corrected him when he first took the notebook, he would not have faced the consequences of his actions later on.

As for the proverb “A needle thief becomes a cow thief,” it means that if someone starts with minor wrongdoings and is not corrected, they may progress to larger wrongdoings. This is similar to Rubble’s actions, where he started with taking a notebook and eventually took more valuable things.