까마귀와 여우
깊은 산 속에 어리석은 까마귀가 살고 있었습니다. 까마귀는 며칠 동안이나 먹이를 구하지 못했기 때문에 배가 몹시 고팠습니다.
굶주린 까마귀는 먹이를 찾아서 이곳저곳을 헤매었습니다. 그러다가 무화과나무를 발력하게 되었습니다.
"저 무화과나무에는 맛있는 열매가 열렸을 거야."
까마귀는 재빨리 무화과나무를 향해 날아갔습니다. 무화과나무에 도착한 까마귀는 모화과 열매가 아직 덜 익어서 먹을 수 없다는 걸 알고 실망했습니다.
"여기 앉아서 기다리기만 하면 곧 따먹을 수 있을 만큼 익게 되겠지."
어리석은 까마귀는 굶주림에 시달리면서도 아직까지 익지도 않은 모화과나무에 가만히 앉아서 열매가 익기를 기다렸습니다.
벌써 많은 시간이 흘렀지만 까마귀는 꼼짝도 하지 않고 무화과 열매가 익기를 기다렸습니다. 까마귀는 배가 몹시 고팠지만 언젠가는 반드시 맛있게 익은 무화과 열매을 먹을 수 있다는 희망을 가지고 배고픔을 참았습니다.
여우 한 마리가 그곳을 지나가다가 까마귀를 보았습니다. 여우는 까마귀가 오랫동안 무화과나무에 앉아 있는 것을 보고 그 이유를 물었습니다.
"너는 먹이를 찾을 생각은 하진 않고 왜 계속 무화과나무에 앉아 있는 거니?"
"무화과 열매가 익기를 기다리는 거야. 조금만 더 배고픔을 참고 견디면 맛있는 무화과 열매를 먹을 수 있으니까."
여우는 까마귀에게 이렇게 충고 했습니다.
"까마귀야, 너는 잘못 생각하고 있어. 무화과나무에 그렇게 가만히 앉아 있으면 네 위장이 저절로 채워질 줄 아니? 너는 희망에 의존해서 살고 있는데 말이야. 그 희망이 환상을 제공해 줄지는 모르지만 위장을 채워 줄 수는 없단 말이야."
어리석은 까마귀는 먹이를 찾아다닐 생각은 하지 않고 무화과 열매가 익기만을 기다리고 있습니다. 희망이라는 것도 그냥 가만히 앉아서 기다리는 사람에게는 이루어질 수 없는 환상에 불과합니다. 자신에게 주어진 목표를 달성하기 위해 열심히 노력할 때 우리는 진정한 희망을 발견할 수 있습니다.
여러분은 까마귀의 행동에 대해 어떻게 생각하나요? 여우의 말대로 어리석다고 생각하나요? 그렇지 않으면 끈기가 있다고 생각하나요? 그리고 그 이유는 무엇인가요?
까마귀는 어떤 희망을 가지고 어떻게 행동하는 것이 가장 지혜로운 일이었을까요?
In the deep mountains, there lived a foolish crow. The crow had not found food for several days and was very hungry.
The starving crow wandered here and there in search of food. Then, it came across a fig tree.
“There must be delicious fruits on that fig tree.”
The crow quickly flew towards the fig tree. Upon reaching the fig tree, the crow was disappointed to find that the figs were not yet ripe and could not be eaten.
“If I just sit here and wait, they will soon ripen enough to eat.”
The foolish crow, suffering from hunger, sat quietly on the fig tree, waiting for the fruits to ripen.
A lot of time had passed, but the crow did not move and continued waiting for the figs to ripen. The crow was very hungry, but it endured the hunger with the hope that it would eventually be able to eat the delicious ripe figs.
A fox passing by saw the crow. Seeing the crow sitting on the fig tree for a long time, the fox asked why.
“Why are you sitting on the fig tree instead of looking for food?”
“I’m waiting for the figs to ripen. If I endure the hunger a little longer, I can eat the delicious figs.”
The fox advised the crow,
“Crow, you are thinking wrong. Do you think your stomach will be filled just by sitting quietly on the fig tree? You are living on hope. That hope may provide an illusion but cannot fill your stomach.”
The foolish crow did not think of searching for food and only waited for the figs to ripen. Hope is just an illusion for those who sit quietly and wait. We can discover true hope when we work hard to achieve the goals given to us.
What do you think about the crow’s behaviour? Is it foolish, as the fox said? Or persistent? And why?
What kind of hope should the crow have had, and what would have been the wisest action?
In Adventure Bay, a pup named Zuma lived there. Zuma had not found any treats for several days and was very hungry.
The starving pup wandered around in search of food. Then, he came across a tree with some fruits.
“There must be delicious fruits on that tree.”
Zuma quickly ran towards the tree. Upon reaching the tree, Zuma was disappointed that the fruits were not yet ripe and could not be eaten.
“If I just sit here and wait, they will soon ripen enough to eat.”
The hungry Zuma, suffering from hunger, sat quietly under the tree, waiting for the fruits to ripen.
A lot of time had passed, but Zuma did not move and continued waiting for the fruits to ripen. Zuma was very hungry, but he endured the hunger with the hope that he would eventually be able to eat the delicious ripe fruits.
Rubble, passing by, saw Zuma. Seeing Zuma sitting under the tree for a long time, Rubble asked why.
“Why are you sitting under the tree instead of looking for food?”
“I’m waiting for the fruits to ripen. If I endure the hunger a little longer, I can eat the delicious fruits.”
Rubble advised Zuma,
“Zuma, you are thinking wrong. Do you think your stomach will be filled just by sitting quietly under the tree? You are living on hope. That hope may provide an illusion but cannot fill your stomach.”
The foolish Zuma did not think of searching for food and only waited for the fruits to ripen. Hope is just an illusion for those who sit quietly and wait. We can discover true hope when we work hard to achieve the goals given to us.
What do you think about Zuma’s behaviour? Is it foolish, as Rubble said? Or persistent? And why?
What kind of hope should Zuma have had, and what would have been the wisest action?