돌 고래와 고래와 멸치
깊은 바다 속에 돌고래와 고래가 살고 있었습니다. 돌 고래와 고래는 사이가 별로 좋지 않았습니다.
고래는 돌고래의 몸이 자기보다 작다고 은근히 깔보고 있었습니다. 돌고래는 고래보다 몸집이 작았지만 날렵하고 머리가 좋아서 고래를 놀렸습니다.
그러다가 돌고래와 고래는 싸움을 버이게 되었습니다. 돌 고래는 날카로운 이빨로 고래를 깨물었습니다. 고래는 사나운 기세로 달려와서 이빨로 고래를 깨물었습니다. 고래는 사운 기세로 달려와서 돌고래에게 박치기를 했습니다.
싸움이 점점 치열해지자 이웃에 사는 물고기들이 싸움 구경하려 몰려들었습니다. 그런데 그 중에 작은 멸치가 있었습니다.
고래와 돌고래의 싸움이 거세지자 멸치는 앞으로 나서면서 싸움을 말리려고 안간힘을 썼습니다.
"싸우지 마세요. 서로가 조금씩 양보하면 되지 않나요?"
하지만 고래와 돌고래는 싸움을 멈추려고 하지 않았습니다. 멸치는 고래와 돌고래를 향해 소리쳤습니다.
"서로 상대방에 대한 불만이 무엇인지 나에게 털어놓도록 해요. 내가 화해를 시켜 주겠어요."
그러자 돌고래가 기가 막혀 이렇게 소리쳤습니다.
"너처럼 피라미 같은 녀석의 말을 듣기보다는 차라리 우리 끼리 끝까지 싸우는 편이 덜 창피하겠다."
멸치는 돌고래와 고래의 싸움을 말리려고 하다가 그만 창피를 당하고 말았습니다. 두 사람 사이의 다툼을 심판하려면 그런 일을 처리할 수 있는 능력이 필요합니다. 하지만 멸치는 너무나 작은 데다가 고래의 먹이에 불과했기 때문에 무시를 당했던 것입니다.
돌 고래와 고래의 싸움을 말리려고 한 멸치의 행동에 대해서 여러분은 어떻게 생각하나요? 착하고 당연한 행동이라고 생각하나요? 그렇지 않으면 어리석다고 생각하나요?
누군가 싸움을 할때, 그것을 말리려고 하는 것은 당연하고 올바른 일입니다. 그런데 왜 멸치는 돌 고래들로 부터 고맙다는 인사를 듣기는 커녕 무시를 당했을까요?
In the deep sea, there lived a dolphin and a whale. The dolphin and the whale did not get along very well.
The whale looked down on the dolphin because its body was more petite. Although smaller than the whale, the dolphin was agile and smart, and it teased the whale.
One day, the dolphin and the whale got into a fight. The dolphin bit the whale with its sharp teeth. The whale charged at the dolphin with fierce force and headbutted it.
As the fight became more intense, the neighbouring fish gathered to watch. Among them was a small anchovy.
As the fight between the whale and the dolphin grew fiercer, the anchovy stepped forward and tried to stop the fight.
“Please don’t fight. Can’t you both make a little compromise?”
But the whale and the dolphin did not stop fighting. The anchovy shouted at them,
“Tell me what your grievances are with each other. I will help you reconcile.”
The dolphin, astonished, shouted back,
“I’d rather keep fighting than listen to a tiny fish like you.”
The anchovy, trying to stop the fight between the dolphin and the whale, was humiliated. One needs the ability to handle such matters to mediate a dispute between two parties. However, the anchovy was too small and merely food for the whale, so it was ignored.
- What do you think about the anchovy’s attempt to stop the fight between the dolphin and the whale? Was it kind and rightful, or foolish?
- When someone is fighting, it is natural and right to try to stop the fight. But why was the anchovy ignored and not thanked by the dolphin and the whale?
Skye and Zuma lived in Adventure Bay. Skye and Zuma did not get along very well.
Zuma looked down on Skye because she was smaller. Although Skye was smaller than Zuma, she was agile and smart, and she teased Zuma.
One day, Skye and Zuma got into a fight. Skye nipped at Zuma with her sharp teeth. Zuma charged at Skye with fierce force and headbutted her.
As the fight became more intense, the other pups gathered to watch. Among them was a tiny pup named Tracker.
As the fight between Skye and Zuma grew fiercer, Tracker stepped forward and tried to stop the fight.
“Please don’t fight. Can’t you both make a little compromise?”
But Skye and Zuma did not stop fighting. Tracker shouted at them,
“Tell me what your grievances are with each other. I will help you reconcile.”
Skye, astonished, shouted back,
“I’d rather keep fighting than listen to a tiny pup like you.”
Tracker, trying to stop Skye and Zuma's fight, was humiliated. One needs the ability to handle such matters to mediate a dispute. However, Tracker was too small and merely a young pup, so he was ignored.
- What do you think about Tracker’s attempt to stop the fight between Skye and Zuma? Was it kind and rightful or foolish?
- When someone is fighting, it is natural and right to try to stop the fight. But why was Tracker ignored and not thanked by Skye and Zuma?