새끼 돼지와 양
새끼 돼지 한 마리가 양떼 속에 섞여서 그들과 함께 풀을 뜯어먹고 있었습니다. 양떼들은 새끼 돼지를 친구처럼 대해주면서 함께 잘 지냈습니다.
그러던 어느 날 양치기가 양떼들이 풀을 뜯어먹는 언덕으로 올라왔습니다. 양치기가 양떼들이 풀을 뜯어먹는 언덕으로 올라왔습니다. 양치기는 양떼 속에 섞여 있는 새끼 돼지를 잡기 위해 다가왔습니다. 양치기가 자신을 잡으려고 한다는 사실을 알게 된 새끼 돼지는 깜짝 놀라서 소리를 지르기 시작했습니다.
"꿀꿀 ...살려 주세요. 나는 양치기에게 잡히기 싫어요."
새끼 돼지는 마구 소리를 지르면서 도망쳤습니다. 그러나 양치기는 새끼 돼지를 잡기 위해 계속 따라왔습니다.
"아니? 새끼 돼지가 빠르기도 하네."
한참 동안 새끼 돼지의 뒤를 쫓아다니던 양치기는 결국 새끼 돼지를 잡았습니다. 양치기는 새끼 돼지를 안고서 집으로 돌아갈 준비를 했습니다.
"꿀꿀... 살려 주세요."
양치기에게 잡힌 새끼 돼지는 계속 소리를 질렀습니다. 시끄럽게 울어대는 새끼 돼지를 보고 양들이 야단 치면서 말했습니다.
"우리도 항상 양치기에게 붙잡혀. 그렇지만 우리는 너처럼 그렇게 난리를 치지는 않아."
그러자 새끼 돼지는 고개를 저으며 말했습니다.
"하지만 양치기가 양들을 붙잡을 때와 나를 붙잡을 때에는 그 이유가 전혀 다르단 말이에요. 양들을 붙잡을 때에는 털과 젖이 필요해서이지만, 나를 붙잡을 때에는 내 고기가 필요하기 때문이거든요."
돼지는 목숨이 걸린 상황이었기 때문에 마구 비명을 지르면서 달아 났습니다. 하지만 양들릉 그런 돼지의 행동을 이해할 수가 없었습니다. 겉으로 보기에는 언덕에서 풀을 뜯어먹는 돼지와 양들의 입장이 비슷하게 보잊만 사실은 전혀 다르기 때문입니다. 양들은 돼지의 입장에서 돼지가 처한 상황을 바라볼 수 있어야 합니다. 양들이 진정으로 돼지를 이해할 수 있다면 그들은 정말 좋은 친구가 될 수 있을 것입니다.
양치기는 어째서 새끼 돼지를 잡으려고 했던 것일까요?
양들이 새끼 돼지에게 그런 비난을 했던 이유는 무엇일까요? 양들이 새끼 돼지에게 한 비난은 과연 올바른 것인가요? 양들의 처지와 새끼 돼지의 처지는 어덯게 다른가요?
A piglet was grazing among a flock of sheep, eating grass with them. The sheep treated the piglet like a friend and got along well together.
One day, a shepherd climbed the hill where the sheep were grazing. The shepherd approached to catch the piglet mixed in with the sheep. Realizing that the shepherd was trying to see him, the piglet was startled and began to scream.
“Oink oink… Please save me. I don’t want to be caught by the shepherd.”
The piglet screamed and ran away. However, the shepherd continued to chase the piglet.
“Wow, the piglet is fast.”
After chasing the piglet for a while, the shepherd finally caught it. The shepherd held the piglet and prepared to return home.
“Oink oink… Please save me.”
The piglet, caught by the shepherd, continued to scream. Seeing the noisy piglet, the sheep scolded him and said:
“We are always caught by the shepherd, too, but we don’t make such a fuss like you do.”
The piglet shook his head and said:
“But the shepherd's reason for catching you and me is completely different. When he catches you, it’s because he needs your wool and milk. But when he catches me, he needs my meat.”
The piglet was in a life-threatening situation, so he screamed and ran away. However, the sheep couldn’t understand the piglet’s behaviour. Although the piglet and the sheep seemed to be in similar situations while grazing on the hill, their circumstances were entirely different. The sheep needed to see the problem from the piglet’s perspective. If the sheep truly understood the piglet, they could become perfect friends.
Why did the shepherd try to catch the piglet?
Why did the sheep criticize the piglet? Was their criticism justified? How are the situations of the sheep and the piglet different?
Share your experiences of giving and receiving gifts with each other.
A piglet was playing among a group of pups, having fun with them. The pups treated the piglet like a friend and got along well together.
One day, Farmer Yumi came to the field where the pups were playing. Farmer Yumi approached to catch the piglet mixed in with the pups. Realizing that Farmer Yumi was trying to see him, the piglet was startled and began to scream.
“Oink oink… Please save me. I don’t want to be caught by Farmer Yumi.”
The piglet screamed and ran away. However, Farmer Yumi continued to chase the piglet.
“Wow, the piglet is fast.”
After chasing the piglet for a while, Farmer Yumi finally caught it. Farmer Yumi held the piglet and prepared to return home.
“Oink oink… Please save me.”
The piglet, caught by Farmer Yumi, continued to scream. Seeing the noisy piglet, the pups scolded him and said:
“We are always caught by Farmer Yumi, too, but we don’t make such a fuss like you do.”
The piglet shook his head and said:
“But the reason Farmer Yumi catches you and me is completely different. When she catches you, she needs your help on the farm. But when she catches me, she needs my meat.”
The piglet was in a life-threatening situation, so he screamed and ran away. However, the pups couldn’t understand the piglet’s behaviour. Although the piglet and the pups seemed to be in similar situations while playing in the field, their circumstances differed. The pups needed to see the problem from the piglet’s perspective. If the pups truly understood the piglet, they could become perfect friends.
Why did Farmer Yumi try to catch the piglet?
Why did the pups criticize the piglet? Was their criticism justified? How are the pups' and piglet's situations different?
Share your experiences of giving and receiving gifts with each other.