Self Heal

당나귀와 개구리

가족의 평화 2024. 8. 2. 05:24

어느 마을에 나무꾼이 살고 있었습니다. 그 나무꾼은 당나귀를 한 마리 기르고 있었습니다. 

나무꾼이 산 속에서 나무를 자르면 당나귀가 그 나뭇단을 시장까지 운반했습니다. 당나귀는 나뭇짐을 지고 마을로 내려갈 때마다 작은 늪을 지나가게 되었습니다. 

그러던 어느 날이 었습니다. 당나귀는 등에 무거운 짐을 잔뜩 지고 늪가를 지나가고 있었습니다. 그러다가 그만 발이 미끄러져서 늪에 빠지고 말았습니다.

"어떻게 하지? 늪에 빠져버렸어."

당나귀는 허우적거리면서 늪에서 빠져나오기 위해 노력했습니다. 하지만 당나귀의 몸은 더욱 깊이 빠져들어갔습니다. 당나귀는 큰ㄴ 소리로 비명을 질렀습니다. 

당나귀의 비명을 듣고 강에서 살고 있던 개구리들이 구경하러 나왔습니다. 개구리들은 도무지 당나귀의 행동을 이해할 수가 없었습니다. 당나귀는 다급한 목소리로 개구리들에게 애원했습니다. 

"개구리들아, 나를 좀 구해 줘."

그러자 개구리 한 마리가 당나귀의 모습을 보더니 한심하다는 표정을 지으면서 한 마디 했습니다.

"겨우 잠깐 빠졌는데도 저렇게 울어대니, 우리처럼 이곳에서 오래 살게 되면 과연 어떤 소리를 낼까?"

늪에 빠진 당나귀는 자칫 잘못하면 목숨을 잃게 되는 위험한 지경에 처하게 되었습니다. 그러나 항상 늪에서 살고 있던 개구리들은 당나귀의 처지를 전혀 이해할 수가 없었습니다.

물에빠진 당나귀는 어째서 비명을 질렀을까요?

개구리들은 위험에 처한 당나귀를 보면서 조금도 걱정하지 않았습니다. 개구리는 당나귀의 처지를 이해하지 못했던 것입니다. 왜 그러까요? 그 이유를 한번 생각해 보세요. 

In a village, there lived a woodcutter who had a donkey.

When the woodcutter cut trees in the mountains, the donkey would carry the bundles of wood to the market. Every time the donkey carried the wood down to the village, it had to pass by a small swamp.

One day, the donkey passed by the swamp with a heavy load. Suddenly, it slipped and fell into the swamp.

“What should I do? I’ve fallen into the swamp.”

The donkey struggled to get out of the swamp, but the more it struggled, the deeper it sank. The donkey cried out loudly.

Hearing the donkey’s cries, the frogs living in the swamp came out to see what was happening. The frogs couldn’t understand the donkey’s actions, so the donkey desperately pleaded with the frogs.

“Frogs, please help me.”

Then, one of the frogs looked at the donkey with a pitiful expression and said,

“You are crying so much just because you fell in for a moment. What kind of sound would you make if you lived here as long as we do?”

Stuck in the swamp, the donkey was in a dangerous situation where it could lose its life. However, the frogs, who always lived in the swamp, couldn’t understand the donkey’s predicament.

Why did the donkey cry out when it fell into the swamp?

The frogs didn’t worry when they saw the donkey in danger. The frogs couldn’t understand the donkey’s situation. Why do you think that is? Think about the reason.

In Adventure Bay, there lived a woodcutter who had a donkey.

When the woodcutter cut trees in the mountains, the donkey would carry the bundles of wood to the market. Every time the donkey carried the wood down to the village, it had to pass by a small swamp.

One day, the donkey passed by the swamp with a heavy load. Suddenly, it slipped and fell into the swamp.

“What should I do? I’ve fallen into the swamp.”

The donkey struggled to get out of the swamp, but the more it struggled, the deeper it sank. The donkey cried out loudly.

Hearing the donkey’s cries, the Paw Patrol pups came out to see what was happening. The pups couldn’t understand the donkey’s actions, so the donkey desperately pleaded with them.

“Paw Patrol, please help me.”

Then, Marshall, the Dalmatian pup, looked at the donkey with a pitiful expression and said,

“You are crying so much just because you fell in for a moment. What kind of sound would you make if you lived here as long as we do?”

Stuck in the swamp, the donkey was in a dangerous situation where it could lose its life. However, the Paw Patrol pups, who always lived in Adventure Bay, couldn’t understand the donkey’s predicament.

Why did the donkey cry out when it fell into the swamp?

The pups didn’t worry when they saw the donkey in danger. The pups couldn’t understand the donkey’s situation. Why do you think that is? Think about the reason.