Self Heal

공작새와 학

가족의 평화 2024. 8. 1. 03:16

아름다운 깃털을 가지고 있는 공작새가 한 마리 살고 있었습니다. 공작새의 깃털은 너무나 아름다웠기 때문에 모든 새들의 부러움을 샀습니다. 공작새는 화려한 깃털을 가지고 있다는 사실을 자랑스럽게 생각했습니다. 그래서 깃털을 다듬는 일에 아주 많은 시간을 보냈습니다. 

공작새는 예쁜 깃털에 대한 자부심이 강했기 때문에 다른 새들을 만나면 자기 자랑을 늘어놓았습니다. 새들은 공작의 아름다운 깃털을 부러워했지만 자기 자랑만 일삼고 다니는 공작새를 싫어했습니다.

그러던 어느 날 공작새가 물을 마시기 위해 강가로 걸어갔습니다. 그런데 강가에서 공작새는 처음 보는 새 한 마리를 발견했습니다. 목과 다리가 긴 그 새는 우아하게 강가를 거닐고 있었습니다.

공작새는 그 새를 보자 자기 깃털을 자랑하고 싶었습니다. 그래서 공작새는 깃털을 세우고 그 새에게 다가갔습니다.

"네 이름은 뭐니? 처음 보는 새인데..."

"난 학이란다."

그러자 공작새는 화려한 깃털을 활짝 펼쳐 보이면서 말했습니다.

"그래? 난 공작이라고 한단다. 그런데 넌 내 깃털을 보고도 놀라지 않니? 내 깃털을 본 새들은 모두들 부러워하고 감탄하는데...난 황금색과 무지개색의 깃털을 가지고 있지. 그런데 네 날개 색깔은 왜 그 모양이니?"

공작새가 학의 깃털을 비웃으면서 자기 깃털을 자랑하자 학은 기분이 몹시 나빴습니다. 학은 공작새에게 말했지요.

"그래, 네가 공작새라는 건 잘 알고 있어. 네 깃털은 정말 아름답구나. 그렇지만 난 네가 하나도 부럽니 않아. 나는 날 개를 이용해서 하늘 높이 날아다니면서 별과 가까이 노래하고 세상의 여러 곳을 여행하기도 하지. 그런데 넌 그 깃털로 뭘 하지? 기껏해야 다른 새들에게 자랑하려고 펼치고 있을 뿐이잖아."

공작새는 보기에는 아름답지만 날개를 가진 새이면서도 하늘을 날지 못합니다. 그에 비해 학은 깃털이 아름답지 않지만 그 깃텅을 이용해 하늘을 마음껏 날아다닐 수 있습니다. 외모의 화려함은 처음에는 좋은 것처럼 보이지만 그 아름다움을 채워 줄 내용이 없으면 금방 싫증이 납니다.

공작새의 날개와 학의 날개는 어떤 차이가 있을가요?

날개란 원래 어떤 용도로 상용되어야 하는 건가요? 또 공작새의 날개는 어떻게 사용되고 있나요?

날지는 못하지만 아름답고 화려한 외모를 지닌 공작새와, 겉모습은 단순하지만 하늘 높이 날아다닐 수 있는 학의 삶을 서로 비교해 보세요. 여러분이라면 어떤 삶을 선택할까요? 또 각각의 삶은 어떤 장점과 단점이 있을까요?

There was a peacock with beautiful feathers. The peacock’s feathers were so attractive that all the birds envied him. The peacock was proud of his splendid feathers and spent much time grooming them.

Because of his pride in his pretty feathers, the peacock would boast about them whenever he met other birds. Although the birds envied the peacock’s beautiful feathers, they disliked him for his constant boasting.

One day, the peacock went to the river to drink water. There, he saw a bird he had never seen before. The bird had a long neck and legs and gracefully strolled along the riverbank.

The peacock wanted to show off his feathers to the bird. So, he raised his feathers and approached the bird.

“What is your name? I’ve never seen a bird like you before…”

“I am a crane.”

Then the peacock spread his splendid feathers wide and said,

“Really? I am a peacock. Aren’t you amazed by my feathers? All the birds who see my feathers are envious and admire them… I have golden and rainbow-coloured feathers. But why are your wings that colour?”

The peacock mocked the crane’s feathers while boasting about his own. The crane felt very offended and said to the peacock,

“Yes, I know you are a peacock. Your feathers are indeed beautiful. But I am not envious of you at all. I use my wings to fly high in the sky, sing close to the stars, and travel to many places worldwide. But what do you do with your feathers? You only spread them to boast to other birds.”

The peacock, though beautiful, cannot fly despite having wings. On the other hand, the crane’s feathers may not be attractive, but he can fly freely in the sky with them. The splendour of appearance may seem reasonable initially, but it quickly becomes tiresome without substance to fill that beauty.

What is the difference between the peacock’s and crane’s wings?

What is the original purpose of wings? And how are the peacock’s wings being used?

Compare the life of a peacock, who cannot fly but has a beautiful and splendid appearance, with the life of a crane, who has a simple appearance but can fly high in the sky. Which life would you choose? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each life?


Once upon a time, in Adventure Bay, there was a peacock named Chase with beautiful feathers. Chase’s feathers were so attractive that all the animals envied him. Chase was proud of his splendid feathers and spent much time grooming them.

Because he was proud of his pretty feathers, Chase would boast about them whenever he met other animals. Although the animals envied Chase’s beautiful feathers, they disliked him for his constant boasting.

One day, Chase went to the river to drink water. There, he saw a bird he had never seen before. The bird had a long neck and legs and gracefully strolled along the riverbank.

Chase wanted to show off his feathers to the bird. So, he raised his feathers and approached the bird.

“What is your name? I’ve never seen a bird like you before…”

“I am Skye, the crane.”

Then Chase spread his splendid feathers wide and said,

“Really? I am Chase, the peacock. Aren’t you amazed by my feathers? All the animals who see my feathers are envious and admire them… I have golden and rainbow-coloured feathers. But why are your wings that colour?”

Chase mocked Skye’s feathers while boasting about his own. Skye felt very offended and said to Chase,

“Yes, I know you are a peacock. Your feathers are indeed beautiful. But I am not envious of you at all. I use my wings to fly high in the sky, sing close to the stars, and travel to many places worldwide. But what do you do with your feathers? You only spread them to boast to other animals.”

Chase, though beautiful, cannot fly despite having wings. On the other hand, Skye’s feathers may not be attractive, but she can fly freely in the sky with them. The splendour of appearance may seem reasonable initially, but it quickly becomes tiresome without substance to fill that beauty.

What is the difference between Chase’s and Skye’s wings?

What is the original purpose of wings? And how are Chase’s wings being used?

Compare Chase's life, which cannot fly but has a beautiful and splendid appearance, with Skye's life, which has a simple appearance but can fly high in the sky. Which life would you choose? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each life?