좋은 증상
몸이 아파서 병원에 입원한 사람이 있었습니다. 그 환자를 진찰하기 위해 의사가 왔습니다.
의사학 환자에게 물었습니다.
"몸이 어떠세요?"
"땀을 많이 흘립니다."
그러자 의사는 대수롭지 않다는 투로 말했습니다.
"그건 좋은 겁니다."
며칠이 지난 후에 다시 환자를 찾아온 의사가 물었습니다.
"요즘은 좀 어떠세요?"
"몸이 계속 후들후들 떨립니다."
"그것 역시 좋은 겁니다."
의사가 이렇게 말하고는 가버렸습니다. 세번째로 찾아온 의사는 다시 그 환자에게 물었습니다.
"계속 설사를 합니다."
환자는 얼굴을 찌푸리면서 의사에게 말했습니다. 하지만 의사의 대답은 전과 드를 게 없었습니다.
"역시 좋은 겁니다."
얼마 후에 환자의 부모가 병문안을 와서 환자에게 몸의 상태가 어떤지 물어보았습니다.
"얘야, 좀 나아졌니?"
환자는 고개를 설레설레 저으며 말했습니다.
"의사가 계속 좋다는 말만 하는 걸 보니, 난 아마도 '좋은' 증상으로 죽어가고 있나봐요."
환자 자신은 아프고 괴로운데 의사는 좋은 증세라고만 말합니다. 우리 주위에도 이와 비슷한 일들이 많이 있습니다. 실제로 몹시 아프고 고통스러운 사람을 두고도 우리는 그냥 겉으로 보이는 대로만 판단해서 대수롭지 않게 여기는 것입니다. 누군가를 도와주거나 판단하려고 할 때에는 반드시 그 사람의 입장이 되어서 생각해 보아야 할 것입니다.
1. 환자를 대하는 의사의 태도을 여러분은 어떻게 생각하나요?
2. 이 우화 속의 환자에게 이 의사는 결코 좋은 상담자라고 할수 없습니다. 좋은 상담자가 되기 위해서는 어떤 태도를 가져야 할가요?
3. 여러분도 혹시 어떤 고통을 겪고 있나요? 그 원인은 무엇인가요? 또 그 문제에 대해 누구와 상의하고 있나요?
There was a person who was hospitalized because they were sick. A doctor came to examine the patient.
The doctor asked the patient,
“How do you feel?”
“I sweat a lot.”
Then, the doctor said in an indifferent tone,
“That’s good.”
A few days later, the doctor revisited the patient and asked,
“How are you these days?”
“My body keeps trembling.”
“That’s also good.”
The doctor said this and left. The third time the doctor came, he asked the patient again,
“How are you?”
“I keep having diarrhea.”
The patient frowned and spoke to the doctor. But the doctor’s answer was no different.
“That’s also good.”
After a while, the patient’s parents came to visit and asked the patient about their physical condition.
“Are you feeling better?”
The patient shook his head and said,
“Seeing that the doctor keeps saying it’s good, I guess I’m dying from ‘good’ symptoms.”
The patients themselves are sick and suffering, but the doctor only says it’s a good symptom. There are many similar things around us. We tend to take things lightly by judging them just as they appear, even for people who are seriously sick and in pain. When trying to help or judge someone, you must always think from that person’s perspective.
- What do you think about the doctor’s attitude towards the patient?
- In this fable, the doctor is not a good counsellor to the patient. What kind of attitude should one have to be a good counsellor?
- Are you also experiencing any pain? What is the cause? And who are you discussing this problem with?
Rocky was feeling unwell in Adventure Bay and had to stay in the Pup House. Doc McStuffins came to examine Rocky.
Doc McStuffins asked Rocky,
“How do you feel?”
“I sweat a lot.”
Then, Doc McStuffins said in an indifferent tone,
“That’s good.”
A few days later, Doc McStuffins revisited Rocky and asked,
“How are you these days?”
“My body keeps trembling.”
“That’s also good.”
Doc McStuffins said this and left. The third time Doc McStuffins came, she asked Rocky again,
“How are you?”
“I keep having diarrhea.”
Rocky frowned and spoke to Doc McStuffins. But Doc McStuffins’ answer was no different.
“That’s also good.”
After a while, Rocky’s friends visited and asked Rocky about his physical condition.
“Are you feeling better?”
Rocky shook his head and said,
"Seeing that Doc McStuffins keeps saying it’s good, I guess I’m getting worse from ‘good’ symptoms.”
Rocky himself is sick and suffering, but Doc McStuffins only says it’s a good symptom. There are many similar things around us. We tend to take things lightly by judging them just as they appear, even for people who are seriously sick and in pain. When trying to help or judge someone, you must always think from that person’s perspective.
What do you think about Doc McStuffins’ attitude towards Rocky? In this story, Doc McStuffins is not an excellent counsellor to Rocky. What kind of attitude should one have to be a good counsellor? Are you also experiencing any discomfort? What is the cause? And who are you discussing this problem with?
Let’s discuss these points with your friends!