매미와 개미
여름에 개미는 땀을 흘리면서 열심히 먹이를 모았습니다. 그런데 매미는 땀을 흘리며 이라흔 개미를 보고 물었습니다.
"주위에 먹을 것이 이렇게 많은데 왜 그렇게 힘들게 일을하지? 나 처럼 노래를 부르면서 여름을 즐겨 보라고."
그러자 개미가 말했습니다.
"곧 겨울이 올 거야. 겨울을 대비해서 지금부터 음식을 모아두어야 해. 너도 그렇게 놀지만 말고 겨울을 대비해 두는게 좋을 거야."
하지만 매미는 겨울에 대한 걱정을 전혀 하지 않았습니다. 매미는 지금 이렇게 먹을 것이 풍성한데 갑자기 먹이들이 모두 어디론가 사라질 리가 없다고 생각했습니다.
"개미야, 넌 도대체 무엇을 걱정하고 있는 거야? 먹을 건 얼마든지 있어. 하루 아침에 이 풍성한 먹이들이 없어지기라도 한다는 거야?"
개미는 메미의 말에 아랑곳하지 않고 일을 계속했습니다. 매미는 그런 개미를 비웃으면서 노래를 불렀습니다.
드이어 겨울이 되었습니다. 숲속은 꽁꽁 얼어붙었고 흰눈이 쌓여 먹을 것이라고는 찾아볼 수가 없었습니다.
개미는 여름 동안 부지런히 모아놓은 먹이를 창고 가득히 쌓아놓고 있었기 때문에 아무런 걱정도 없었습니다.
그런데 먹이를 찾지 못해서 몹시 배가 고픈 매미가 개미의 집으로 찾아왔습니다. 매미는 먹이를 좀 달라고 개미에게 애원했습니다.
"개미야, 먹을 것을 좀 나누어 주지 않겠니?"
그러자 개미가 대답했습니다.
"여름에 양식을 미리 준비해 놓지 그랬니?"
"나는 노래를 불러야 했기 때문에 그럴 시간이 없었어."
"아, 그랬니? 여름에 실컷 노래를 불렀으니까 겨울에는 춤을 추어야 하겠구나."
개미는 여름에 열심히 일하면서 먹이를 모아두었기 때문에 별다른 걱정을 하지 않고 겨울을 보낼 수 있었습니다. 하지만 노래를 부르면서 즐겁게 지내던 매미는 춥고 배고픈 겨울을 보낼 수밖에 없었습니다. 겨울이 찾아오는 것을 미리 대비하지 못한 것은 분명히 매미의 잘못입니다.
1. 매미의 잘못은 무엇일까요? 매미는 어떤 점을 미처 생각하지 못했던 것일까요?
2. 개미는 매미를 도와주는 것이 좋을까요? 그렇지 않으면 매미가 굶주리도록 내버려 두어야 할까요?
3. 개미처럼 언제난 일만 할수도, 매미처럼 놀기만 할 수도 없겠지요? 여러분의 생활을 되돌아보고 일과 놀이가 어느 정도가 되면 적당한지 이야기를 해 보세요.
In the summer, an ant worked hard, sweating and gathering food. But a cicada, also sweating, saw the ant and asked,
“Why are you working so hard when there’s so much food around? You should enjoy the summer by singing like me.”
Then the ant replied,
“Winter is coming soon. We need to start gathering food now to prepare for winter. It would be good for you to prepare for winter instead of just playing.”
But the cicada had no worries about winter. The cicada thought that with so much abundant food now, the food wouldn’t suddenly disappear.
“Ant, what on earth are you worrying about? There’s plenty of food. Do you think this abundant food will disappear overnight?”
The ant ignored the cicada’s words and continued to work. The cicada laughed at the ant and sang.
Then winter came. The forest was frozen solid, and snow piled up, so no food could be found.
The ant had no worries because it had gathered food diligently during the summer and had a full storehouse.
But a cicada came to the ant's house, hungry and unable to find food. The cicada pleaded with the ant to give it some food.
“Ant, won’t you share some food?”
Then the ant replied,
“Didn’t you prepare food in the summer?”
“I didn’t have time because I had to sing.”
“Oh, is that so? Since you sang all summer, you should dance in the winter.”
The ant could spend the winter without any worries because it had worked hard to gather food in the summer. But the cicada, who had enjoyed singing, had no choice but to spend a cold and hungry winter. It was the cicada’s fault for not preparing for winter in advance.
- What was the cicada’s mistake? What did the cicada fail to consider?
- Should the ant help the cicada? Or should it leave the cicada to starve?
- Like the ant, you can’t always work; like the cicada, you can’t always play. Reflect on your life and discuss how much work and play would be appropriate.
In Adventure Bay, Rubble, the construction pup, worked hard all summer, gathering supplies for the upcoming winter. But Zuma, the water rescue pup, saw Rubble and asked,
“Why are you working so hard when there’s so much around? You should enjoy the summer by swimming like me.”
Then Rubble replied,
“Winter is coming soon. We need to start gathering supplies now to prepare for winter. It would be good for you to prepare for winter instead of just playing.”
But Zuma had no worries about winter. Zuma thought that with so much abundant supplies now, they wouldn’t suddenly disappear.
"Rubble, what on earth are you worrying about? There are plenty of supplies. Do you think these abundant supplies will disappear overnight?”
Rubble ignored Zuma’s words and continued to work. Zuma laughed at Rubble and swam.
Then winter came. Adventure Bay was covered in snow, and supplies were hard to find.
Rubble had no worries because he had gathered supplies diligently during the summer and had a full storehouse.
But Zuma came to Rubble’s doghouse, hungry and unable to find food. Zuma pleaded with Rubble to give him some food.
“Rubble, won’t you share some food?”
Then Rubble replied,
“Didn’t you prepare food in the summer?”
“I didn’t have time because I had to swim.”
“Oh, is that so? Since you swam all summer, you should slide on the ice in the winter.”
Rubble could spend the winter without any worries because he had worked hard to gather food in the summer. But Zuma, who had enjoyed swimming, had no choice but to spend a cold and hungry winter. It was Zuma’s fault for not preparing for winter in advance.
What was Zuma’s mistake? What did Zuma fail to consider? Should Rubble help Zuma? Or should he leave Zuma to go hungry? Like Rubble, you can’t always work; like Zuma, you can’t always play. Reflect on your life and discuss how much work and play would be appropriate.