말과 마부
어느 마을에 욕심이 아주 많은 마부가 살고 있었습니다. 그 마부는 말을 돌보면서도 항상 어떻게 하면 주인으로부터 더 많은 돈을 받아낼 수 있을까 고민했습니다.
그러던 어느 날 마부는 한 가지 꾀를 생각하게 되었습니다. 주인이 말에게 먹이라고 준 보리의 일부를 몰래 빼돌려서 다른 곳에 팔면 돈을 벌어들일 수 있을 것 같았습니다.
그날부터 마부는 말이 먹을 보리를 팔아서 약간의 돈을 벌게 되었습니다. 그런데 한 가지 문제가 생겼습니다. 마부가 날마다 일정한 양의 보리를 빼돌려서 팔아먹었기 때문에 말이 먹을 보리가 부족했던 것입니다.
날이 갈수록 말은 점점 여위어 갔고 털에 윤기가 없어졌습니다. 주인이 말의 모습을 본다면 보리를 제대로 먹이지 않았다는 사실이 금방 들통날 것이 뻔했습니다.
마부는 보리를 빼돌려서 팔아먹은 것을 벌충하기 위해 하루종일 말을 손질하고 빗질해서 털에 윤기가 흐르도록 하려고 애썼습니다. 그러면서도 욕심 많은 마부는 계속 보리를 빼돌렸습니다. 하지만 열심히 빗질을 한다고 해서 말이 예전의 모습을 되찾을 수는 없었습니다.
마부가 지나치게 빗질하는 것을 참다 못한 말이 한 마디 충고를 했습니다.
"이것 보세요, 마부님. 당신이 나를 진심으로 때깔 좋은 말로 만들기를 원한다면, 주이님이 나에게 먹이라고 구해온 보리를 팔아먹지 좀 마세요."
말에게 먹이기 위한 보리를 빼돌려서 자기 욕심을 채우는 부끄러운 마부에 관한 우화입니다. 욕심 많은 마부는 말에게 빗질을 많이 해서 털에 윤기가 흐르도록 하려고 했지만 자신이 지은 죄는 금방 탄로나게 됩니다.
1. 마부는 무엇때문에 열심히 말에게 빗질을 해 주었을까요?
2. 말에게 정말로 필요한것은 보리였을까요? 그렇지 않으면 빗질인가요?
3. 말에 제대로 살이 찌고 털에 윤기가 흐르도록 하려면 어떻게 해야 할까요?
In a certain village, there lived a greedy horse groomer who always wondered how he could earn more money from his master while taking care of the horse.
One day, the groomer came up with a scheme. He thought he could make money by secretly selling some of the barley that the master had given as feed for the horse.
From that day on, the groomer started to sell the barley that the horse was supposed to eat and made a little money. But there was a problem. Because the groomer sold a certain amount of barley every day, the horse was short of barley to eat.
As the days went by, the horse became thinner, and its fur lost its shine. If the master saw the horse, it would be evident that he had not fed the barley properly.
To compensate for selling the barley, the groomer worked all day to groom and brush the horse to make its fur shiny. But the greedy groomer continued to steal the barley. No matter how hard he brushed, the horse could not regain its former appearance.
The horse, who couldn’t stand the groomer brushing too much, gave a piece of advice.
“Look here, groomer. If you want to make me a good-looking horse, please stop selling the barley the master brought for me to eat.”
This is a fable about a shameful groomer who steals barley to feed the horse to satisfy his greed. The greedy groomer tries to make the horse’s fur shiny by brushing it a lot, but his sin is soon revealed.
- Why did the groomer brush the horse so hard?
- What did the horse need, barley or brushing?
- What should be done to make the horse gain weight adequately and make its fur shiny?
In Adventure Bay, a greedy dog groomer who always wondered how to earn more treats from Ryder while caring for the Paw Patrol pups lived.
One day, the groomer came up with a scheme. He thought he could earn more treats by secretly selling some of the dog food Ryder had given to feed the pups.
From that day on, the groomer started selling the dog food that the pups were supposed to eat and made a little profit. But there was a problem. Because the groomer sold a certain amount of dog food daily, the pups were short of food.
As the days went by, the pups became thinner, and their fur lost its shine. If Ryder saw the pups, it would be evident that he had not fed the dog food properly.
To compensate for selling the dog food, the groomer worked all day to groom and brush the pups to make their fur shiny. But the greedy groomer continued to steal the dog food. No matter how hard he brushed, the pups could not regain their former appearance.
Chase, who couldn’t stand the groomer brushing too much, gave a piece of advice.
“Look here, groomer. If you want to make us good-looking pups, please stop selling the dog food Ryder brought for us to eat.”
This is a story about a shameful groomer who steals dog food to feed the pups to satisfy his greed. The greedy groomer tries to make the pups’ fur shiny by brushing it a lot, but his sin is soon revealed.
Why did the groomer brush the pups so hard? Did the pups need dog food or brushing? What should be done to make the pups gain weight adequately and make their fur shiny?
Let’s discuss these points with your friends!