Self Heal

늑대와 양

가족의 평화 2024. 7. 30. 05:51

배고픈 늑대가 양을 잡아 먹기 위해 살그머니 접근했습니다. 그런데 조심스럽게 양을 향해 살금살금 다가가던 늑대는 그만 개에게 들키고 말았습니다. 늑대는 개가 짖기 시작 하자 재빨리 도망쳤습니다. 하지만 발빠른 개는 늑대를 따라가서 공격했습니다.

늑대는 필사적으로 달아났지만 그만 온 몸에 많은 상처를 입고 말았습니다. 늑대는 피를 흘리면서 땅바닥에 쓰러졌습니다. 지치고 부상당한 늑대는 물을 마시고 싶었지만 몸을 움직일 수가 없었습니다.

그러다가 늑대는 우연히 양을 만나게 되었습니다. 허기가 지고 목이 몹시 마른 늑대는 양을 보자 평소와는 다른 친절한 태도로 대했습니다. 

늑대는 애절한 눈빛으로 양에게 말했습니다. 

"나에게 마실 물을 갖다준다면 두 번 다시 너를 괴롭히지 않겠어."

늑대는 양이 물을 떠오면 물을 마시고 난 후에 기운을 회복해서 양을 잡아먹을 생각이었습니다. 하지만 양은 그런 늑대의 본심을 알고 늑대에게 말했습니다.

"하지만 늑대야, 내가 너에게 마실 물을 주면 너는 기운을 차리고 당장 나를 잡아먹고 말 거야."

양은 상처입은 늑대를 남겨둔 채 떠나가고 말았습니다. 물론 부상당한 늑대는 양을 쫒아갈 힘도 없었습니다.


평소에 약한 양을 잡아먹돈 늑대가 힘이 없어지자 양에게 애원을 합니다. 하지만 평소 약한 자를 괴롭히던 사람이 갑자기 착하게 행동하면 믿기가 어렵습니다. 양은 그 사실을 잘 알고 있었지요..


1. 양은 어떻게 늑대의 본심을 알 수 있었나요?

2. 평소에 늑대는 언제인가 자신이 약한 양으로부터 도움을 받을지도 모른다는 생각을 했을까요?

3. 곤경에 처한 늑대를 도와주지 않았던 어린 양의 태도는 잘못된 것일까요? 그렇지 않을까요? 이 점에 대해서 친구들과 토론해 보세요.


A hungry wolf stealthily approached to catch a sheep. But the wolf, who was cautiously creeping towards the sheep, was seen by a dog. The wolf ran away quickly as the dog started barking. However, the swift dog chased the wolf and attacked it.

The wolf ran away desperately but ended up getting many wounds all over its body. The wolf fell to the ground, bleeding. The tired and injured wolf wanted to drink water but couldn’t move.

Then, the wolf happened to meet a sheep. The wolf, who was hungry and very thirsty, treated the sheep with a different kind of attitude than usual.

The wolf said to the sheep with a desperate look in his eyes.

“If you bring me some water to drink, I will never bother you again.”

The wolf intended to drink the water brought by the sheep, regain strength, and then catch the sheep. But the sheep knew the wolf’s true intentions and said to the wolf.

“But wolf, if I give you water, you will regain strength and catch me immediately.”

The sheep left the wounded wolf and went away. Of course, the injured wolf had no strength to chase the sheep.

The wolf, who usually preyed on weak sheep, pleaded with the sheep when it lost its strength. But it’s hard to believe when someone who usually bullies the weak suddenly acts kindly. The sheep knew that fact well.

  1. How could the sheep know the wolf’s true intentions?
  2. When did the wolf ever think it might need help from the weak sheep?
  3. Was the young sheep’s attitude of not helping the wolf in trouble wrong? Or not? Discuss this point with your friends.

One day, a hungry Tracker was quietly approaching to catch a chicken. But Chase spotted the Tracker, who was cautiously creeping towards the chicken. The Tracker ran away quickly as Chase started barking. However, the swift Chase chased the Tracker and barked at him.

The tracker ran away desperately but got many scratches all over his body. He fell to the ground, panting. The tired and injured Tracker wanted to drink water but couldn’t move.

Then, Tracker happened to meet a chicken. Tracker, who was hungry and very thirsty, treated the chicken with a different kind of attitude than usual.

Tracker said to the chicken with a desperate look in his eyes.

“If you bring me some water to drink, I will never bother you again.”

Tracker intended to drink the water brought by the chicken, regain strength, and then catch the chicken. But the chicken knew Tracker’s true intentions and said to Tracker.

“But Tracker, if I give you water, you will regain strength and catch me immediately.”

The chicken left the wounded Tracker and went away. Of course, the injured Tracker had no strength to chase the chicken.

Tracker, who usually chased after chickens, pleaded with the chicken when he lost his strength. But it’s hard to believe when someone who usually chases the weak suddenly acts kindly. The chicken knew that fact well.

How could the chicken know Tracker’s true intentions? When did Tracker ever think he might need help from the weak chicken? Was the young chicken’s attitude of not helping Tracker in trouble wrong? Or not? Discuss this point with your friends.