강물에 빠진 소년
산 속의 마을에서 살고 있는 소년이 강가로 놀러갔습니다. 며칠 전에 내린 비 때문에 강물은 크게 불어나 있었습니다. 특히 물살이 소용돌이치는 곳은 어른들도 위험해서 함부로 접근하지 않을 정도였지요.
하지만 철부지 소년은 그런 위험이 있나는 사실을 전혀 모르고 있었습니다. 어린 소년은 물장난을 하느라고 정신이 없었습니다.
강물에서 놀던 소년은 어느덧 물살이 빠르게 소용돌이치는 곳까지 다가갔습니다. 그러다가 소년은 발을 헛디뎌서 순식간에 몸의 균형을 잃고 물살에 휩싸이고 말았습니다.
소년은 손발을 버둥거리면서 있는 힘을 다해 물 밖으로 얼굴을 내밀려고 애를 썼습니다. 하지만 아무리 애를 써도 소년의 힘으로는 소용돌이에서 빠져나오는 것이 불가능했습니다.
점차 힘이 빠진 소년은 물 속으로 점좀 몸이 가라앉았습니다. 그런데 다행스럽게도 나그네 한 사람이 강가를 지나가게 되었습니다. 소년은 마지막 힘을 다해 나그네를 향해 살려 달라고 소리를 쳤습니다.
"제발 저를 도와주세요."
나그네는 소리가 들리는 곳을 돌아보았고, 어린 아이가 강물에 빠져 허우적거리는 모습을 봤습니다.
나그네는 강가에 서서 뒷짐을 진 채, 어린 아이를 야단치기 시작했습니다.
"이 녀석! 이렇게 위험한 곳에 들어가다니! 그러다가 목숨이라도 잃으면 어떻게 할 거냐? 너 같은 녀석은 혼이 좀 나야 해."
소년은 나그네를 향해 다급한 목소리로 외쳤습니다.
"먼저 물어서 구해 주세요, 아저씨. 야단치는 건 저를 구해 준 다음에 해도 늦지 않잖아요!"
나그네는 강물에 빠진 어린 소년을 구해주기 위해 어떤 행동을 취할 생각은 하지 않고 야단만 치고 있었습니다. 그러는 동안에도 어린 소년은 자칫하면 생명을 잃게 되는 위기에 처해 있었습니다. 소년의 잘못을 야단치는 것도 물론 필요한 일이겠지만 그보다 더욱 중요한 일은 소년을 구하는 것입니다.
1. 어린 소년은 자신의 실수로 인해 물에 빠지게 되었습니다. 소년은 어떤 잘못을 했던 것일까요?
2. 나그네는 위험에 처한 소년을 구할 생각은 하지않고 야단만 치고 있었습니다. 나그네의 행동은 올바른 것이었나요?
3. 위기에 처했을 때 어떻게 그 일을 해결한 것인지 고민하기보다는 누구의 잘못인지 따지는 사람들이 있습니다. 하지만 그것보다 더 급한것은 그 위기에서 벗어나는 일입니다. 그런 다음에 비난을 해도 늦니는 않을 것입니다. 여러분은 나그네의 태도에 대해서 어떻게 생각합니까?
A boy living in a village in the mountains went to play by the river. Rain had swollen the river a few days ago, making it especially dangerous. The places where the water was swirling were so hazardous that even adults would not approach recklessly.
However, the naive boy was completely unaware of such dangers. The young boy was engrossed in playing in the water.
While playing in the river, the boy unwittingly approached where the water was swirling rapidly. Then, the boy lost his balance and was instantly swept away by the current.
The boy flailed his arms and legs, trying to stick his face out of the water. But no matter how hard he tried, the boy couldn't escape from the whirlpool with his strength.
Gradually losing strength, the boy’s body began to sink into the water. Fortunately, a wanderer happened to pass by the river. The boy shouted at the wanderer with all his might to save him.
“Please help me.”
The wanderer looked toward the sound and saw a young child struggling in the river.
The wanderer stood by the river, leaning back, and began to scold the young child.
“You brat! Going into such a dangerous place! What would you do if you lost your life? A kid like you needs to be scolded.”
The boy shouted at the wanderer in a desperate voice.
“Please pull me out and save me first, sir. You can scold me after you’ve saved me!”
The wanderer did not take any action to save the young boy who had fallen into the river; he only scolded him. Meanwhile, the young boy was in a crisis, and he could lose his life at any moment. Scolding the boy for his mistake is undoubtedly necessary, but what’s more important is saving the boy.
- The young boy fell into the water due to his mistake. What was the boy’s mistake?
- The wanderer did not think of saving the boy in danger but only scolded him. Was the wanderer’s behaviour correct?
- When faced with a crisis, some people are more concerned with who is to blame rather than how to solve the problem. But what’s more urgent is to get out of that crisis. You can criticize later. What do you think about the wanderer’s attitude?
In Adventure Bay, a young pup named Rocky went to play by the river. A few days ago, rain had caused the river to swell, making it especially dangerous. The places where the water was swirling were so hazardous that even the bravest pups would not approach recklessly.
However, the naive Rocky was utterly unaware of such dangers. The young pup was engrossed in playing in the water.
While playing in the river, Rocky unwittingly approached where the water was swirling rapidly. Then, Rocky lost his balance and was instantly swept away by the current.
Rocky flailed his paws, trying to stick his face out of the water. But no matter how hard he tried, Rocky couldn’t escape the whirlpool with his strength.
Rocky’s body began to sink into the water, gradually losing strength. Fortunately, a wanderer named Ryder happened to pass by the river. Rocky shouted at Ryder with all his might to save him.
“Please help me.”
Ryder looked toward the sound and saw a young pup struggling in the river.
Ryder stood by the river, leaning back, and began to scold the young pup.
“You pup, you're going into such a dangerous place! What would you do if you lost your life? A pup like you needs to be scolded.”
Rocky shouted at Ryder in a desperate voice.
“Please pull me out and save me first, sir. You can scold me after you’ve saved me!”
Ryder did not take any action to save the young pup who had fallen into the river; he only scolded him. Meanwhile, Rocky was in a crisis, and he could lose his life at any moment. Scolding Rocky for his mistake is undoubtedly necessary, but what’s more important is saving Rocky.
Rocky fell into the water due to his mistake. What was Rocky’s mistake? Ryder only scolds him and does not think of saving Rocky in danger. Was Ryder’s behaviour correct? When faced with a crisis, some people are more concerned with who is to blame rather than how to solve the problem. But what’s more urgent is to get out of that crisis. You can criticize later. What do you think about Ryder’s attitude?
This is a Paw Patrol version of the story. I hope you enjoy it! 😊