Self Heal

어린이와 사제

가족의 평화 2024. 7. 28. 04:23

한 어린 아이가 신에게 정성껏 기도를 드리면 어떤 소원이든지 이루어질 수 있다고 들었다. 이 아이의 한가지 소원은 빨리 어른이 되어 자유롭게 세상을 여행하는 것이였습니다. 소년은 제물로 바칠 양을 가지고 사제를 찾아가 당장 어른이 돌 수 있도록 자산을 위해 기도하고 제물을 바쳐 달라고 했습니다. 

사제는 그 일이 불가능하다는 사실을 알고 있었지만 무슨 이유인지 말 없이 어린 아이가 가지고 온 양을 제물로 바치고 신께 제사를 드렸습니다. 

어린 아이는 몹시 기뻐하며 자신의 소원이 이루어지기를 기다렸습니다. 하지만 제사가 다 끝나고 기도를 마쳤는데도 어린 아이이 몸에는 아무런 변화가 일어나지 않았지요.

어린 아이는 화가 나서 사제에게 따지듯이 물었습니다.

"사제님, 신들은 거짓말쟁이군요. 간절하게 기도를 드렸지만 지금까지 아무런 소식도 없으니까요."

그러자 사제는 부드러운 미소를 지으면서 대답했습니다.

"아니란다, 얘야. 네 소원은 벌써 이루어졌단다. 다만 그 사실을 다른 사람들이 알게 되기까지는 좀더 기다려야 할 뿐이야."


모든 일에는 그 일이 이루어지기 위한 시간이 필요합니다. 따라서 기다리는 자세가 필요합니다. 어떤 값비싼 대가를 치른다고 해도 시간을 대신 할 수 있는 것은 아무것도 없습니다. 하지만 그렇다고 해서 초조해할  필요는 없습니다. 시간은 결코 멈추는 법이 없기 때문입니다.


1. 이 우화속에 등장하는 어린 아이가 잘못 생각하고 있거나 미처 몰랐던 사실은 무엇일까요?

2. 어륻ㄴ이 된다는 것은 어떤 의미가 있을까요? 어떻게 해야 어른이 되었다고 하는 것인지 이야기를 해 보세요. 과연 몸이 성장했다고 해서 진정한 어른이라고 할수 있을까요?

3. 여러분도 하루 빨리 어른이되고 싶었던 적이 있었습니까? 만약 그렇다면 언제 어른이 되고 싶었나요?

코파일럿을 이용해 영어로 번역한뒤 브류를 사용해 영상으로 제작하고

A young child heard that any wish could be fulfilled if he prayed sincerely to God. This child wished to become an adult quickly and freely travel the world. The boy went to the priest with a sheep to offer as a sacrifice and asked him to pray and offer the sacrifice for his wish to become an adult immediately.

The priest knew it was impossible, but for some reason, he offered the sheep that the young child brought as a sacrifice and performed a ritual to God.

The young child was delighted and waited for his wish to come true. However, even after the ritual was over and the prayer was finished, there was no change in the young child’s body.

The young child got angry and asked the priest as if he was arguing.

“Father, the gods are liars. I prayed earnestly, but there is no news yet.”

Then, the priest answered with a gentle smile.

“No, my child. Your wish has already come true. You must wait a little longer for others to know that fact.”

Everything requires time to be accomplished. Therefore, a waiting attitude is needed. No matter how expensive the price you pay, nothing can replace time. But that doesn’t mean you need to be anxious. Time never stops.

Here are some things to think about:

  1. What was the young child thinking wrong or not knowing in this fable?
  2. What does it mean to become an adult? Talk about how to say you’ve become an adult. Can you be a genuine adult just because your body has grown?
  3. Have you ever wanted to grow up quickly? If so, when did you want to become an adult?

바꾼다음 제 체널에 맞는 스토리 Paw Patrol로 번영한뒤 영상만들어 다시 올립니다. 


Once upon a time in Adventure Bay, a young pup named Rubble heard a tale from Mayor Goodway. The story was about a magical bird that could grant any wish if you asked with a pure heart.

Rubble, being an adventurous and curious pup, had a wish. He wished to grow up quickly and become the leader of the Paw Patrol, just like his idol, Ryder. He wanted to lead missions and travel beyond Adventure Bay.

Rubble went to Farmer Yumi with a hopeful heart. She is known to have the kindest heart in Adventure Bay. He asked her to help him make a unique offering for the magical bird, hoping it would make him grow up immediately.

Knowing that growing up couldn’t be rushed, Farmer Yumi still helped Rubble prepare a beautiful basket of fresh fruits from her farm as an offering.

Rubble was very excited and waited for his wish to come true. However, even after they made the offering and Rubble asked for his wish, he remained the lovable pup he always was.

Feeling upset, Rubble went to Ryder and said, “Ryder, the magical bird is a liar. I asked my wish sincerely, but nothing happened.”

Ryder, with a gentle smile, replied, “No, Rubble. Your wish has already come true. You need to wait a little longer for others to see it.”

Rubble looked confused, so Ryder continued, “Growing up isn’t just about getting bigger or older. It’s about learning, experiencing new things, and becoming wiser. And that takes time. You can’t rush it, Rubble. But don’t worry, you’re growing a little bit more every day.”

That day, Rubble learned a valuable lesson. He realized that growing up didn’t happen overnight. It was a journey, and he was ready to enjoy every moment.

Here are some things for you to think about:

  1. What does it mean to grow up? Is it just about getting older?
  2. Have you ever wished to grow up quickly? If so, why?
  3. Can you think of a time when you had to be patient and wait for something to happen? How did you feel?

And they all lived happily and learned their lessons in Adventure Bay. Goodnight!


그러면 하나의 스토리로 3개의 영상이 제작되는 마법이 이루어지는 겁니다. 만약 Paw Patrol 스토리도 한글로 영상 만든다면 4개가 되겠네요. 요즘 Vrew에서는 중국 일어 불어 러시아어로 자동 번역도 되던데 각자 언어로 번영한다면 하나의 스토리로 10개~20개도 만들수 있겠네요.